039 : 007 FYF

Teams of 3

- 75 D-ball Ground to Overhead 60/40lbs
*perform 1000/700watts on an air bike after each transition for the player who just did a set of D-Ball work only. 

- 200 calorie Ski Erg
*one player must hold D-Ball (60/40) at all times. 20 air squat penalty if the ball touches the floor. 

- 100 D-ball burpee over the mat (4ft section)
*Perform 4x body over box (48”) after each transition for the player who just did a set of D-Ball work only. 

75 D-Ball Ground to Overhead 60/40lbs

*Every transition, the player who just completed their set of D-Ball reps will move to the assault bike and ride as hard as they can until they see 1000/700w (make/female). Then rest the remaining time until it’s your turn to perform more D-Ball ground to overhead. 

200 calorie Ski Erg 
One player works
One player holds Dball 60/40lbs
One player rests 
*if the D-Ball touches the ground, all 3 players stop and perform 20 Air Squats. You cannot continue until all players complete their 20 reps. 
**You can hold the D-Ball however you’d like but you must remain standing upright, no hinging or squatting positions allowed. 

100 D-Ball burpee over the mat (4ft section)
*Every transition, the player who just completed their set of D-Ball reps will move to 4 REPS of the body over box (48”). This means after you’ve completed your required reps of D-Ball burpee over mat you’ll then immediately perform 4x body over box, then rest the remaining time until it is your turn to do another set of D-Ball burpee over the mat. 


039 : 008 Complexus V


039 : 006 Strength Endurance (pressing)