038 : 011 Capacity

After a weekend of entertaining, one of my guys was looking to get back into the swing – a hard session, but one without too much technical demand. 

range finding

5:00 ski, 10x hard pulls on the top of each minute

Work to heavy 4x ball over shoulder (2x each side) 


Accumulate bodyweight (in calories) on the ski machine, every minute on the minute execute 2x ball over shoulder


6 rounds of :20 funky bench / :10 hold at top of bench position 

Full rest, and repeat

6 rounds of :20 sit-up + :10 seconds rest + :20 seconds leg lift + :10 seconds rest


If you do not have access to heavy medicine balls, a good sub is weighted burpees, burpee box jumps, heavy KB clean (depending on how heavy – 1x each side or 2x each side) 

Also for the funky bench, 20-36# KB or DB on doubled red bands, I use a dowel rod or 6’ piece of 1/2” black pipe. I feel that the lighter and somewhat flexible bar pushes the instability over weight, which is the goal. 


038 : 012 Strength Progression


038 : 010 Capacity (upper body)