038 : 008 Build Progression III

This week is pretty straightforward and I think it’s where people will notice a marked improvement if they have been following along. We are aiming for around 70 minutes total for each of the three separate sessions, but feel free to cut the session where you feel you have had enough. Getting into this time domain with the movements we are using will start to add up, so be aware that how we set them up is to put the most “damaging” movements last. That way people that are a little slower won’t be so messed up from the jumping varieties because it won’t be compounding.

Most people have started to slow down and are now at the correct pace. Eventually, when you add enough time, you can’t fake the pace. If you aren’t using a HR monitor, you’ll notice the uptick in weird ways when you come near the point that efficiency degrades. This point is different for everyone and presents itself sometimes as your nervous system switches over to be more sympathetic. We should be looking for this point and to extend it by regulating our state, deep nasal inhales and controlled exhales will help extend the time period. This really is the difference in intention and it’s the hardest thing to get people to switch over to: “get it over as fast as possible” to “extend this effort as long as possible.”

One thing I’ll point out is in the second session. You’ll notice that a 1-mile run is not the same as BW in cals on a machine and that is purposeful. With the impact of running, efficiency starts to decline much more quickly. A good rule of thumb is that if you want the same effect of training, you will need 50-100% more time at a given activity that doesn’t have this impact.

Session One



2km Row or Ski


1-mile Run


100/120 cal Airbike


100x Walking Lunges

10cal Machine

100x Airsquats

20cal machine

100x Step-up

30cal machine

100x Russian Kettlebell Swings

40cal machine

100x split jumps

50cal machine


400m farmer carry + remaining of 70min on machine

Session Two


Cash-in: 5min rebounding


1 mile run @ MAF pace

or Bodyweight in cals machine @ MAF pace

carry this pce into:

10-minutes of step-up (record your pace)

1-mile Run or BW in cals

10-minutes of Step-up and over

1-mile Run or BW in cals

10-minutes Lunge + Step-up

1-mile Run

70min cap

Session Three


70min single movement of your choice:

BIke, Run, Hike, etc…


038 : 009 Complexus


038 : 007 FYF