In our model, exploring mobility—discovering a new range and training it to be able to control—is conceptual and hard to describe—or more relevant “prescribe.” This means there is no convenient way to describe accurately how we do this exactly. Most of it is playing with a concept until we achieve a specific sensation. The shorthand that is often reflected in training scripts (sets/reps/load etc) misses a very important part. If you Have limited awareness and slim to no ability to orient a joint and the tissue, you are going to miss a very large part of this practice. Yes, knowing some physiology can help, and yes, it is boring. But being able to correctly describe what and where you are limited is essential for progress.


3x5 Hip and Knee CARs Advance each set by adding an extended time requirement or load. (THIS IS NOT A WARM-UP)

PAIL/RAIl Internal Rotation of the hip (kneeling if possible) and Hip Extension

3x10 banded or cabled Internal rotation of the hip (close to failure)


3-5 rounds NFT

10x Bulgarian Split Squat (each leg) with a heel elevation in the bottom position. Load appropriately. Descend in a loaded BSS, in the bottom position elevate the heel slowly so the knee comes forward putting the trailing leg into more hip extension.

10x Split squat Jump onto box(each leg). Hold the bottom position of the split squat with the rear leg extended (knee not touching the ground) Front leg should be at 90 degrees. While holding this position and keeping as much body position as possible, hop the front foot to 4-8” box. The idea is ot get the front hip t move quickly without moving the rest of the body.

10x DB hack squat on wedge

30-sec Alternating piston wall sit. Sit into a traditional wall sit and alternate a leg extension focusing on as much range as possible.


Follow the instructions on each movement the best you can, the focus here is on the movement quality and not the load although the load can help you find the desired sensation. Take as much rest as needed and pull the session when you think you have had enough.


038 : 007 FYF


038 : 005 STRENGTH