038 : 003 Compromised Rest

I have a love for compromised rest. Alone, or in teams,Ii just always find it to be interesting. There are 2 versions of this workout, the first is for a team, and I usually give it to people who aren’t used to the whole “catching their breath in plank” thing. Its fun to see how their strategies change as the work unfolds. The solo version is better for people who understand the sensation and want a pacing challenge. 


Death by 10m sprint 10, 20, 30,… till failure ( 30-second clock) Add 1 rep every 30-seconds)

rest 2:00 

Death by burpee (30-second clock)


In teams of 2

Bike ERG for the total body weight of the team (in pounds) in calories

Player 1: Bike

P2: Front plank

Players can switch at any time, but if someone falls out of the hold they must switch

Solo version:

Set a timer for 90-second repeats

Plank for 30-seconds

Ride for the rest of the time

After the first round, every time the timer beeps, hop off the bike and plank for 30-seconds, bike during your rest until you accumulate your body weight (in pounds) in calories – If you fail the plank, the calories in the bike leading up to it are forfeit


:20 front plank on hands

:10 of constant transitioning between hands and elbows

:20 plank on left hand and right elbow

:10 of constant transitioning between hands and elbows

:20 plank on right hand and left elbow 

:10 of constant transitioning between hands and elbows

:20 plank on elbows

2 rounds, no break


For the death by’s start a :30 repeating timer, the first round is 1 rep (or 1x10m sprint) second round is 2 reps, 3rd is 3, etc. Continue until you can no longer accumulate the required reps within the allotted time. 

When doing these as a warmup, I will usually try hard, but bail when I don’t think I can make it. Quit honestly, instead of pretending to fail, or truly gassing myself at the risk of having a very short workout. A :30 death by is usually nice for an opener because it tends to fail fast and not cause too much damage. 

The partner work is pretty simple, the bike should only be moving when someone is in the plank, and feet should come off the pedals as soon as the hold is lost (or someone calls switch). Moreover, try not to spend too much time in the transitions. Having multiple teams go head to head here usually fixes most of those issues.

The solo version is a little clunky in execution, but I think the mental effort of paying attention to pace is worth it. I gave everyone a little dry-erase board to keep track of their calories (they wrote it down during their plank – and erased it if they dropped out) and reset the calorie count each time.  

For the finisher, you are ideally in a plank for a total of 4 minutes. The transitioning from hand to elbow is pretty simple if you don’t think about it too much, during the holds try and keep hips and shoulders square to the ground.


038 : 004 Capacity


038 : 002 Vis in Motus XVI