037 : 028 FYF

Putting together a session that pushes the training group to go harder than they might on their own is fairly simple. Doing this and making it fun, effective, and low risk is another thing entirely. I think for the most part just bringing people into your experience is the best way to do it. This would be why I’m pretty adamant about training along side our clients. I think coaches should do the sessions that they give, because we so often get it wrong on paper. If you write it and have to do it, you have skin in the game. You are less likely to write something that is over the top or inappropriate for your clients.

This session however, is really pushing the boundary. I wrote it to try and trick myself into going harder than I felt motivated to. And I think I really got it. It isn’t so easy to do as an individual. so reach out and find two naive training friends and make them go through it. I think it will be worth it.

Work: In teams of three for time

800m run Every 200m do 5x Push-ups, and add 5x Push-up every 200m (each player must do work individually) You may stop and do push-ups or you may save them all for the end (5 + 10 + 15 + 20=50)

2000m Ski Erg (share effort between team)

every 500m entire team must do 1x wall walk and add 1x wall walk each 500m, ending with 4x wall walks

100 body over box @ 48” (shared effort between team)

every 10x reps entire team must do 10x alt. hang DB snatch 35/50 each (100 total each player)

10min accumulative weighted front squat hold @ 75lbs shared between team

every transition player must do 1x thruster and add 1x thruster each transition, ending with the amount of thrusters due.

if the bar touches the ground, all players must do 10 burpees


The entire 3-person team will start by running 800m every 20m they can either stop and do push-ups or they can save them for the end of the run. When a team member finishes the required push-ups they may begin on the 2km ski. Every 500m the entire team must complete 1x wall walk, adding one wall walk each 500m. The 100x body over box may be broken up between the team however, but every 10 reps, the entire team must individually complete 10x hang DB snatches each. after completing the 100th body over box, the entire team must still complete 10x DB snatches. The final section is a front rack squat hold for 10min at 75lbs. Players may position however they see fit, but every transition must be paid for with one thruster (done by the player finishing their hold). The bar may not be transferred until all thruster reps are done by that player. If the bar touches the ground, all players must do 10x burpees.


038 : 001 Building Capacity II


037 : 027 GRUNT WORK