037 : 011 POWER + JUMPING

One of the constants of training should be that it is—for the most part— enjoyable. We do these things because we find some level of enjoyment within them, the bonus is that we get better. 

This session was designed to be fun. We decided we wanted to get a jumping session in for the week and it was my turn to pick the poison. The idea for this session made me think about skateboarding and how fun it was to build my ollie and kickflip height and start doing them over objects or into tricks on a ledge. I wanted there to be—after the warmup/prefatigue—a portion that had no stress nor time limit but just a moment to explore playfully. And then I wanted to take what was explored in the fun part and test it in a capacity setting.

“So get out your seat and jump around!” 


Hip, Knee, and Ankle CARs. 

   -Weighted knee CARs, if possible. 

PAIL/RAIL for Knee External/Internal Rotations

    +Hip Extension 


5 minutes of Rebounding*

    *Starting at 0:00 with 10 total switch steps

        +EMOM, adding 10 total reps each minute


Part 1 (Fun)

Jump Progression: 


Stiff Leg Box Jump

Box Tuck Jump

Box Jump 

Part 2 (Serious) 

Bodyweight (lbs) in Calories on Bike**


        0:00-10:00: 4 Explosive Step Ups +4 E2     minutes 

        10:00-20:00: 2 box jumps + 2 E2 minutes

        20:00+: 2 box jumps at a higher height + 2 E2 minutes 


Start the session off with some FRC movements. Focusing on the lower body, especially the knees, and ankles as they will experience a significant workload. 

For the PreFatigue, start a 5-minute timer, for all of those 5 minutes player will be rebounding. At the start of the timer and every minute on the minute, the player will stop to do switch steps, starting with 10 reps and adding 10 reps each minute, and then continue rebounding. This looks like: @0:00-10 reps; @1:00-20 reps; @2:00-30 reps; @3:00-40 reps; @4:00-50 reps.

For Part 1 of the work portion, the player will work through a jump progression starting with knee to feet jumps and increasing the height after each successful jump. Once the player is unable to complete the jump, they will start the next jump movement at the height they last finished at. They will continue this pattern for all 4 movements.

For Part 2, players will start a new timer and begin riding their Bike towards the goal of their body weight (lbs) in calories. Every 2 minutes, the player will stop to do a designated movement. During the first 10 minutes, the movement will be explosive step-ups starting with 4 reps and adding 4 reps each time. This looks like 4 step-ups @ 2:00; 8 @ 4:00; 12 @ 6:00; 16 @ 8:00; 20 @ 10:00. If the player goes over ten minutes, the next movement will be box jumps starting with 2 reps and adding 2 reps each time. This looks like this: 2 @ 12:00; 4 @ 14:00…10 @ 20:00. If the player still is going towards the calorie goal after 20 minutes, the movement and rep scheme will still be box jumps but it will be at a higher height. 


037 : 012 Unorthodox leg training
