037 : 009 Capacity

Barbell work like this is definitely some type of “fun”. After a rude awakening years ago i have had fun programming bar complexes or large amounts of barbell work without allowing racks. It is a little twist that can have a large impact on how certain sessions go down. Basically, this was put together as a reminder that it can nice to take the barbell a little less seriously and chip your way through a nasty little piece. 



hang clean + front squat + push press + floor press + floor wiper (total)

add weight between each rung.


Start with an empty bar or perhaps 10s-25s on each side. Have a few plates handy for the switch, and get ready for a grind. The work is to be done without any rack and as fast as you can manage without compromising form. 40x hang cleans + 40x front squats + 40x push press + 40x floor press + 40x floor wiper (20x each side) add weight then 30x hang cleans + 30x front squat etc…

When choosing the weights I instructed people to not plan on being able to compete any individual set of movements without having to put the bar down at least once (except for maybe the floor wipers) and pick with that in mind. A lot of folks were conservative and went a bit light that first round, some people got too used to moving quick and stayed light the whole session. a lot of this just boils down to what kind of day you want to have (I say start with 15s on the bar and add 15s each time) 




037 : 008 Vis In Motus XIII