037 : 007 FYF

The combination of team-based stress, which often induces short hard effort within longer efforts, and the requirement of individual ability —grinding, acidic effort — in the same session, gives a very clear signal and highlights a host of weaknesses. This on top of the training we had this week was not easy, but it was possible because of the crowd that shows up ready to work every Friday night.


For Time, in teams of 4:

100x cal ski (as a team)*

100x Burpee (each person must complete individually)

200x cal Row(as a team)*

200x Sync Push-ups (total, or 50x each)

100x cal Ski (as a team)*

100m Bear Crawl (each person must complete as an individual)

*each transition costs 1x Body Over Bar


The players will start on the Ski, splitting the work how they see fit, but each transition must cost 1x body over bar, and must be paid before the player returns to the machine. After the Ski, the players will complete 100x burpees on their own, players that finish may move onto the 200cal row as soon as they complete their required reps. The same transition rule applies to the row. The players must all then complete 50x push-ups each in sync, touching the chest at the same time and extending in a lockout at the same time. They will return to the Ski with the same body over bar penalty and complete the 100m bear crawl on their own. Time is when all players have completed the bear crawl.


TMB, Erin, Tom, Lucas: 29’08”


037 : 008 Vis In Motus XIII
