One of my fighters is dealing with a rather severe elbow injury that essentially means no movement of that going at the moment. We are using our time to play with sensitivity, keeping him working and keeping him engaged by throwing some mental challenges into something as simple as a C2 machine. 


5-minute accelerating bike


6x :30/:30 – computer covered, try to pace to keep all rounds roughly even.

rest 2-4 minutes

6-minute “blindfold pacing” 

rest 2-4 minutes

6x :30/:30 – computer covered, try to pace to keep all rounds roughly even.

rest 2-4 minutes

6 minute “blindfold pacing” 

rest 2-4 minutes

6x :30/:30 – computer covered, try to pace to keep all rounds roughly even.

rest 2-4 minutes

6x :30/:30 – nasal breathing only during “rest” round, aim for maximum total meters combined.


For the accelerating bike drill, the goal is to start at a conversational pace and end at a dead sprint trying to evenly accelerate between the two. It is nearly impossible and highly worthwhile to try. The goal of the 30/30 is to get sensitive to what intensities feel like. Too many people just watch the computer and let that dictate everything. It is easier with someone else calling off your times and paces to set a 30/30 timer synched up with the C2, or to put a small piece of masking tape over everything but the time while you ride. Check your work during the rest here and start to connect the feeling to a number. 

The “blindfold pacing” drill is also sometimes easier with another person, basically, close your eyes and try and find a pace by feel. Hold for at least 5 seconds and then open your eyes and check your work. If you nailed it: perfect. close your eyes and pick a different number. If you missed it, match the pace (with your eyes open this time) and hold it for 10 seconds trying to make sense of the feel. If you have another person they can call out the numbers for you. This is also fun to change the data displayed on the screen to calories per hour, or watts, or whichever one you normally don’t use. 


037 : 004 POWER
