“Everybody wants a booty but nobody wants to do real booty workout shit…” 

-TMB, circa July 2023 

I used to subscribe to the mindset of #LegDayEveryDay, but what I noticed from consistent and constant leg work is actually a lack of development. But since coming to the space, I have realized when you start putting intention towards specific body parts for a session, especially the legs, it is hard to bounce back from it for the rest of the week. So leg day for the week becomes a pretty significant day you need to plan around because once that #LegDay button is hit for the week, there’s really no going back. 

It was my day to write a workout for the crew and I was feeling froggy, so I hit that leg day button and the following is the result. My goal was volume and constant tension, plus I’ve been building my engine lately so machines were thrown in the mix too. I especially wanted to keep it simple. If you’ve got a single DB/KB, or two, and some sort of cardio machine, all that remains needed is player willing to play. I also may have gone a touch overboard regarding volume, but that’s a lesson we’ll have to learn together. And, if I’ve done my job correctly, I’ll apologize to you a couple of days after you’ve done this session. Enjoy. 


3x10 Banded Monster walk + 10m Banded bearcrawl

10x of each:

HIp CAR, Knee CAR, Ankle CAR

PAIL/RAIL Hip Extension/ Hip Flexion


100x Air Squats

Every 10 reps, 30-sec 3rd world Squat hold


30min bike

Every 2min Alt EMOM

8x KB Goblet Squat or 8x Single Leg Deadlift (total)

go up in weight each round or go up in reps by 2x.


100x total Piston Bulgarian Split Squats

every time you break 12-15 banded hamstring curl


Move through the warmup, the band will definitely get the hips primed pretty quickly and then move into the FRC work, being attentive, hyper-focusing on any body part you feel might need more attention than others. 

For the PreFatigue, I really want the player to find how deep they can get for the third-world squat and have that be the range of motion for every air squat. Most times, when people see/hear air squat in a session they do something that resembles a pole dance, iykyk, vs a real air squat. Every tenth rep, the player will hold that bottom position/third world squat for 30 seconds before continuing towards 100 air squats. At the 100th rep, the player will not need to do another 30-second hold. 

For the work portion, grab a KB/DB, or two, and a machine and start a 30-minute timer. Begin on the machine and at every 2-minute mark, stop and perform one of the movements. At 2:00, do 8 squats, at 4:00, do 8 total SLDLs. At 6:00, add 2 reps and now perform 10 squats, and at 8:00, 10 total SLDLs. Continue this pattern, every time player returns to the squats, they will add two reps to the requirement. The last set will be at 26:00, 20 squats, and at 28:00, 20 SLDLs, before completing the ride at 30:00. 

Finally, for the cash-out, if you have a high spice tolerance, add weight, if not, body weight is plenty. Complete 100 Bulgarian split squats and every time you break, complete 12-15 hamstring curls. A break here is considered a break after the player has to stop on their second leg. For example, let’s say a player completes 20 reps on their right leg and then needs to switch legs and then they complete 18 reps on their left leg. At this point, they’ve reached their break and will need to do their hamstring curls. They will then have 62 more reps to complete before the session is complete. 


036 : 026 Capacity


036 : 024 Monostructural Skill