When people travel here from all over to train and learn from us, one of the things that they look forward to/dread is FYF. Although it is kind of a joke, I think we take it as a responsibility to deliver a challenging session within a high-pressure environment that lives up to the reputation of FYF. These nights are not about progress or hitting certain goals, but about keeping a feeling alive. Gathering enough players that have been tested and continue to come up with ideas and obstacles that allow you to feel satisfied with the work. It is about developing a deep sense of knowing that when the time comes, you can throw down. This session hits at the heart of what it means to train here on Fridays. There is little to no coaching. It is about hearing the idea for the session, preparing yourself mentally, and then diving in. Often this will include a wide variety of movements that you may not be familiar with and you will have to adapt. Sometimes people ask if they can change it to something within their skill level. On other days this is completely acceptable, but excluding cases of injury, we don’t usually concede. We implore everyone to try shit that they don’t normally do. If you get stuck then you know you have holes. The Body Over Bar is a good example of this, there isn’t a “right” way to do it, I’ll even leave it open to using the cage, wall, etc. A few years ago at Tribal Clash Australia, we were in a final and doing well, at least a few minutes ahead of 2nd place and then one of our teammates got stuck on a body over log. She wasn’t ever able to get over it and we lost. But what was worth it was watching the training that ensued after. It was an expensive lesson but the only way I would be disappointed was if she didn’t take it as a clear sign of how she could improve. So I leave stuff like this in mainly because it is fun but also because it offers a few deep opportunities to figure out how to have better mechanics or body awareness. To be fair, it wouldn’t be quite the same if it was just a heavy load, it should be limited by coordination.


Death By Deck Squat with 10lb medicine ball (ball should touch behind the head on the floor, and player should stand to full lockout

When you tap out, finish the ladder sequence up to 21 reps of each:

-Ski Erg Cals*

-Ball over Shoulder @ 80/60lbs*

-Airbike Cals*

*Do 1x Body Over Bar between each exercise


The player will start on a Death By deck squat, on minute one doing 1x deck squat, on minute 2 doing 2x deck squats, and so on until the player can no longer do the required reps in the required minute. At whichever minute they complete, they will then finish the circuit in a rep scheme from which they left off (ie; if I finished the round of 18 deck squats but don’t think I can do 19, then I will start on 19 cals ski, then do 1x body over bar, then 19x ball to shoulder, 1x body over bar then 19 cal air bike, 1x body over bar and then 20 cal ski, and so on until 21 reps of each are complete.


