035 : 026 Strength Endurance + AMRAP

This session is punctuated, it ends surprisingly hard. Let the rest feel like a very long warm-up. The focus is on a 10min max effort ball to shoulder. I wanted people to be able to choose which sensations they wanted. Using a light ball (10-15 rep per min) will be limited by cardiovascular ability, well within the capacity realm. Using a medium ball (8-12 rep per minute will be a bit more blurry and tend to be more of a strength endurance signal. And using a heavy ball 1-6 reps per minute will be more inline with a strength signal.


50 of each:

Banded lat pull down

Banded Face pull

Ring rows/banded low row

Slow shoulder taps (plank position, alternate touching your shoulder with the opposite hand)


10-100m (10, 20, 30m…100m) Carry of your choice (farmer, D-ball, overhead etc.)

20x cal Bike or run between


10min max reps D-ball ground to shoulder


Player will treat the shoulder pump like a chipper, doing 50 reps total of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise, but resting as needed.

they will then begin the circuit of carries and machine work with or without a timer choosing a carry that is heavy enough to be hard to carry for all 100m without breaking. The player will then go into the max 10min ball to shoulder with minimal rest.


TMB: 30 reps with the 150lb D-ball and 32 with the 135lb after dropping down.


035 : 027 Strength Endurance (shoulders)


035 : 025 Power, not fatigue resistance