035 : 016 Strength + positional

The goal in this session design is to isolate the thing that we wish to change. To identify the circumstances in which we lose form or focus and then recreate them, regress them, and practice doing it right. This session was set up to first identify some very subtle changes in deadlift form and then practice implementing those changes. The use of an EMOM in this case is to convince the player to maybe go a bit lighter than they normally would, and to try and focus on some small detail with the promise that if they mess something up, they will have another chance in about 50 seconds.


6x1 positional deadlift

5/4/3/2/1 reps DL as a work up 

1 deadlift every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 20:00 at 60-80% of todays estimated 1 rep max


For the positional deadlift, set up a bar with 10-25# plates and execute the following:

Set up on the bar as if its was a max effort lift and brace accordingly – if the bar lifts off the ground as a response to engaging trunk/lats – great, otherwise squeeze a bit more and lift if ~1” off the ground

this is position 1, hold for 5 seconds with full tension

continue the movement until the bar is just below your knees. this is position 2, hold here for 5 seconds with full tension.

continue the movement until the bar is just above your knees. this is position 3, hold here for 5 seconds with full tension.

continue the movement until the bar is at mid thigh. this is position 4, hold here for 5 seconds with full tension.

finish the lift and stand tall – there is no requisite hold here, but correct any shoulder positioning you may have lost, breathe and reengage your trunk if you have lost anything, the bar will be lowered to each position with the requisite hold.

5 seconds at position 4 (mid thigh)

5 seconds at position 3 (just above the knee)

5 seconds at position 2 (just below the knee)

5 seconds at position 1 (just off the ground)

then tap the bar to the ground and execute a smooth rep at normal speed, hopefully executing any refinements you may have discovered during the positional holds. 

that is 1 rep ( 4x5 second positional holds on the way up, 4x5 second positional holds on the way down, and 1 smooth lift)

pay special attention to what engages, to how you pull through between these different holds and what gives you trouble. this is a great one to do with a friend and to watch each other move, or to shoot video and compare. 

After 6 of the positional lifts I am definitely warmed up so a set of 5, a set of 4, a set of 3, a set of 2, and a single is usually more than enough to get me to find the weight that will be useful for the EMOM. It’s a good idea to have a few 5’s and 10’s handy so you can adjust the weight during the 20 minutes if you need to, but the point isn’t the heaviest weight – it’s to practice the setup and the execution of a rep. 


035 : 017 Shake Out


035 : 015 VIS IN MOTUS VI