Ep. 187 Poison One

Michael and Mark discuss the forthcoming book, "POISON — Sermons on Suffering", which, if paper availability doesn't shut down production, should be available from NonProphet in late-April. They talk about the origin, the time-travel involved with revisiting and rewriting essays first published behind a paywall several years ago, and how to eat an elephant. The essays, or sermons, were published weekly, which allowed time to assimilate and digest. Having 141 of them available in a single, 456-page book is rather daunting.

The conversation flows to Michael's recent experience at the Tactical Games — a combination of fitness and shooting challenges — the previous weekend and lessons learned from it. Simple things like, "I laughed at myself because I was thinking about shooting while I was shooting and that lets me know that I'm not good at it," and, "sometimes you just need to be distracted from your own self-defeat." It's a quick conversation, and full of gems.


EP. 188 Space, the only frontier


Ep. 186 Meesh from Montana