ESC : 020 Strength Endurance + AMRAP


3 sets:

Kettlebell (KB) complex 5x of each movement:

(25x reps total per set at Dual KB’s of 12kg, 16kg, 20kg)

*loads can vary based on what equipment you have. Single-arm movements can be completed if you do not have access to dual KBs or DBs. Since this is a complex, you want to move from one movement to the next without rest, then rest as needed between sets. 


6min to complete:

100x DB bench press @ 35s/50s

Wherever you break, finish the remaining reps in calories on the bike, rest the remaining time

right into…

5min to complete:

75x DB bench press @ 35s/50s

Wherever you break, finish the remaining reps in calories on the bike, rest the remaining time

right into…

4min to complete:

50x DB bench press @ 35s/50s

Wherever you break, finish the remaining reps in calories on the bike, rest the remaining time

right into…

3min to complete:

25x DB bench press @ 35s/50s

Wherever you break, finish the remaining reps in calories on the bike.


You have four total AMRAPs to complete, with the rest built into each one. That means once the 6-minute AMRAP time frame is up, you will immediately go into the next one, so keep the clock running. For the first AMRAP, you have to complete 100x DB Bench Press which most will not complete, so however many repetitions you have remaining, you will complete in calories on the bike erg or equivalent. For example, if you complete 45 of the 100 reps then you have 55 calories to complete on the bike. You’ll rest the remaining time of that 6-minute window. At the top of the 6-minutes you’ll begin the 5-minute ARMAP moving directly to the DB Bench Press for 75 reps, following the same sequence you did for the previous AMRAP. 

Weights, as prescribed, are 35s for females and 50s for males. However, you know your abilities a bit better than we do, so adjust the load accordingly. The weight should be challenging enough that you can get a good chunk of the work completed, but you should always have to bike outside of the set of 25x potentially, but even that is not a given. Any machine can be used for this session, but be mindful that a rower or ski erg utilizes more upper body than the bike, so fatigue will be higher when using those machines. This is not a problem, simply something to be aware of. 


ESC : 019 Capacity + Intervals


ESc : 021 Mobility