One of our structures that work to keep intensity high and motivation up for long slogs is by adding an accumulation component. The trick here is coming out hot but not too hot. The increase in intensity comes from the movement becoming more complex and more demanding


5-minute easy pace on the machine you’re choosing for this session


4 sets

10 Goblet Good Mornings

10 DB Single-arm Hang Clean and Push Press (alternating)

5 Burpee Box Step-ups 20”

5 Strict Burpee Pull-ups

rest 1min


For Time

500 Calorie Ski Erg or Row

Every 2min on the 2min complete the following:

0-10min:    5x Burpee

11-20min:  5x Burpee Deadlift

21-30min:  5x Burpee Cleans

31-Finish:  5x Devil’s Press

(35/25lbs per hand for all movements, the weight of the dumbbells can be adjusted to suit your fitness level)


When the clock begins, you will start with 5x Burpees and proceed on your 500-calorie adventure, either on the Ski Erg, Rower, or Bike  Rower. The work goes until you have completed the 500-calorie goal. However, every 2 minutes on the 2-minutes, you will have 5x  reps of a burpee movement to complete before returning to your machine. The burpee variation gets increasingly more difficult as you go to incentivize you to move faster up front. This is a more advanced intention, to go hard up front but not too hard. Every 10 minutes, the style of the burpee you are doing changes, starting with a regular burpee and ending with a Devil’s Press as the last movement. Once you get to the Devil’s Press, you will stick with that movement until you finish the required calorie.


It is very difficult to finish under 40min, but it can be done. 


ESC : 010 Strength Endurance + Ladder


ESC : 012 Endurance + Superset