ESC : 004 Strength Endurance + Ladder


4-6 Rounds

3 per arm Turkish Get-ups (TGU)

30 seconds Mountain Climbers

30 seconds plank hold

rest 1min

*for TGU start with a light KB/DB and build to a heavy as you go


For Time


Air Bike calories

Single-arm Alt. DB Hang Clean and Press 35/25lbs


Row calories

DB single-leg deadlift 35/25lbs per hand


When the clock begins, you will complete 10 calories on the air bike and move to 10 alternating DB hang clean and press (strict press, push press, push jerk). Once the ten reps are completed for both movements, you will begin the round of 20/20 following this format until you complete the round of 50/50. Now, you will immediately begin the second part starting with 30 calories on the row and moving to 30 total single-leg deadlifts. The single-leg deadlift should be broken up evenly between both legs in whatever format gets you there. They do not have to be unbroken. This session is not for time but it will help solidify the signal to aim to do as big of sets as you can. 


10-cal air bike

10 S.A DB hang Clean and Press

20-cal air bike

20 S.A DB hang Clean and Press


50-cal air bike

50 S.A DB hang Clean and Press

Immediately into…

30-cal Row

30 S.L deadlifts

20-cal Row

20 S.L deadlifts

10-cal Row

10 S.L deadlifts


ESC : 003 Mobility


ESC : 005 FYF + Accumulation